
Recent Projects

Here are our recent projects.

about notherns
West Arnhem Regional Council

Warruwi Drainage Works And Roadworks

This Project consists of the following works:
• Stone Pitching and concrete works
• Drainage upgrades
• Roadworks

Litchfield shire Council

Power Road Safety Upgrades

This project was recently awarded to Northern Projects. It involved widening the existing road to enhance road safety for drivers. Northern Projects implemented a traffic management plan, which included the temporary closure of one lane for roadworks.

Throughout this period, utmost care was taken to ensure the safety of the public by allowing them to use the other lane of the road without any concerns. Northern Projects was committed to completing these works within 6 to 7 weeks.

about nothern
Jabiru Pool Refurbishment1
West Arnhem Regional Council

Jabiru Pool Refurbishment

Northern Projects was awarded the Jabiru pool refurbishment contract. This project entailed completing all the pool tiling, pressure cleaning, and concrete work for the swimming pool at Jabiru. 

The Northern Projects team, consisting of one supervisor and seven laborers, began by ordering and coordinating with local suppliers to secure the equipment and materials required for the successful completion of the project.

West Arnhem Regional Council

Arnhemland Streets Reconstruction

This project had a dual scope to fulfill the requirements for constructing a road, which included earthworks, spray sealing, driveways, culverts, and kerbing for the Maningrida Community.

Bagshaw Street Roadworkss
Wagait shire council carpark
West Arnhem Regional Council

Wagait Shire Council Carpark

This project had a dual scope to fulfill the requirements of designing and constructing a car park for the town of Jabiru. It involved two stages of design and build for the car park.

West Arnhem Regional Council

Maningrida Footy Oval

This project had a dual scope to fulfill the requirements of designing and reconstructing a community center for the town of Jabiru.

White wood shoulder workss
White Wood Shoulder

White wood shoulder works

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